
HHC relies on donations from our friends.
Children in a village greet a passerby

We need your help to buy basic medicines and medical supplies, including vaccines and vitamins, and to pay and support our Nepali medical staff. We are expanding and developing the Ilam clinic Each year we supply villagers with educational materials, conduct classes and promote income generation schemes. Your gifts will help us do these things and more.
Remember that HHC operates with a very low overhead of only about 10%; all of our international staff are volunteers. This means that your gift will go to help the people who need it.
Unrestricted gifts offer HHC the greatest flexibility in using your donations; however, some of our friends want to provide direct support for individual students. If you are interested in this program, please see our our student sponsorship page for more information. We can help you identify a student to support and make all the necessary arrangements.

All net proceeds from the handicraft sales are used to fund primary health care, medical and educational projects, giving to those involved in the production process a sense of pride that comes by helping and sustaining many others, in even greater need than themselves.